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Useful words for my life

时间:2022-01-22 21:31来源:未知 作者:立暖 点击:
1. Better to struggle for the future than regret the past. -- Marx 2. Gold and silver are not money, but money is gold and silver---- Marx 3. Where people know the least, people can often show off their erudition---- Hegel 4. Personally, I

1. Better to struggle for the future than regret the past. -- Marx

2. Gold and silver are not money, but money is gold and silver---- Marx

3. Where people know the least, people can often show off their erudition---- Hegel

4. Personally, I think: we will encounter all kinds of hardships in life,

Like the ocean, it's calm occasionally. You and Ben don't know when he will appear

Storm, our life is the same, when we encounter difficulties, only that

Only those with firm will can move on. For them, it's just a training

Just, the storm will make them grow. Each storm brings an experience to let them grow

Learn to better face future difficulties. Only such people can reach the other side of their dreams---- Marx

5. Of course, a writer must earn money to live and write, but he should never live and write in order to earn money---- Marx

6、The ignorant man is not free, because what confronts him is an alien world.

The ignorant is not free, because he is facing a strange world---- Hegel

7. The practical degree of theory in a country depends on the degree to which the theory meets the needs of the country - -- Marx

8. If you want to enjoy art, you must be a person with artistic cultivation---- Marx

9. What is lost is only chains, what is gained is the whole world - --- Marx

10. Think about everything---- Marx

11. Doubt everything---- Karl Marx

12. Truth and essence are not one thing; Truth is the essence of being recognized (thought), and the essence is pure freedom---- Hegel

13. To appreciate music, you need to have ears to distinguish the rhythm. For those who do not distinguish music, the most beautiful music is meaningless---- Marx

14. Everything people strive for is related to their interests. Once their thoughts leave their interests, they will make a fool of themselves---- Marx

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