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  • [经典语句] 籽月经典语录 日期:2022-04-13 14:59:32 点击:1 好评:0

    1、南有乔木,不可休思。 我写这句话的时候最想的就是你。 你说我的名字有最美好的愿望。 你不知道, 我最轻浅的念想, 不过是和你一起仰望天堂, 有你在的地方,就是天堂。 我...

  • [经典语句] 活着不是靠泪水博得同情 日期:2022-04-13 08:47:20 点击:23 好评:0

    1. What happens if you like someone? Looking at his circle of friends is like reading comprehension. 2. When you think of a person without waves in your heart, you forget him. 3. May you be like a child in the sun and an adult in the wind a...

  • [经典语句] 阳光和你都在,就是我想要的未来 日期:2022-04-13 08:46:34 点击:55 好评:0

    1. Your heart may be broken, but people will still live as before. 2. There are two things in the world: one is the sun. 3. Whether a person loves you or not, you can feel it when you dont care about you. If you really love someone, you can...

  • [经典语句] 接受突如其来的失去,珍惜不期而遇的惊喜 日期:2022-04-13 08:45:52 点击:44 好评:0

    1. The most reassuring thing is not that there are many people chasing you, but that there is a person who wont leave no matter what you do. 2. You should think clearly that feelings are paid voluntarily. You voluntarily give TA 100% love....

  • [经典语句] 光这么好,别辜负了今天 日期:2022-04-13 08:45:22 点击:67 好评:0

    1. You should remember those who hold your umbrella in the heavy rain, those who help you block foreign things, those who silently accompany you in the dark, those who make you laugh, those who chat with you all night, those who visit you b...

  • [经典语句] 心若没有良人,眼前全是路人 日期:2022-04-13 08:44:54 点击:56 好评:0

    1. Sometimes you should have a little temper properly. You cant be too gentle and patient with some people, because being too kind will make you lose your own value and dignity. Being too kind is also a kind of stupidity. 2. The mouth does...

  • [经典语句] 别把糖果撒给路人,枪口对准家人 日期:2022-04-13 08:44:23 点击:23 好评:0

    1. There is no perfect match for a natural couple, but one knows tolerance and accommodation, and the other knows enough. 2. Life in the world, grievances are inevitable. Digestion is the driving force of growth. If you cant digest it, it w...

  • [经典语句] 她只是想要一个拥抱,而你却总是讲道理 日期:2022-04-13 08:43:47 点击:44 好评:0

    1. I often feel that things backfire and life is difficult. But I still believe that God will always care for those who still have confidence in life. 2. Love is not looking for a perfect person, but learning to appreciate an imperfect pers...

  • [经典语句] 别为难自己,别辜负岁月 日期:2022-04-13 08:43:08 点击:39 好评:0

    1. Like a person for a long time, it is easy to become lonely. Secret love is especially true. 2. The time with you is dazzling, because the weather is good, because the weather is bad, because the weather is just good, every day is beautif...

  • [经典语句] 有时候我也感觉冷,可我不会随便抱别人 日期:2022-04-13 08:42:35 点击:48 好评:0

    1. If there is such a person, because of your good, forgive you all your bad, then cherish it! Because most people will only forget all your good because of your bad! 2. If you havent been displaced, you dont know how warm and cold the worl...

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路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 读书有三到,谓心到,眼到,口到。——朱熹