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  • [英语文章] A very profound sentence 日期:2024-04-03 16:11:43 点击:8 好评:0

    A comprehensive collection of very profound sentences: 1. To be honest, honest people rarely fall for greed. 2. Dont give up flying when you can; When you can dream, dont give up on it; Dont give up on love when you can. If the enemy makes...

  • [英语文章] Classic sentences 日期:2024-04-03 16:10:02 点击:10 好评:0

    [1] Is it quiet? I really should make myself quiet. Only by remaining silent can one become a truly capitalized person; But liveliness will only make people mediocre, become mediocre and mediocre, or make many big mistakes. So, when we are...

  • [英语文章] Sentences that understand how to enjoy life 日期:2024-04-03 16:09:31 点击:7 好评:0

    Complete list of sentences that understand how to enjoy life: 1. Long contentment brings peace of mind; Sweet and indifferent, boundless joy; Make friends widely, prioritize virtue; Dealing with neighbors and solving difficulties; Worries a...

  • [英语文章] Sentences about waking up early and striving 日期:2024-04-03 16:07:58 点击:10 好评:0

    Sentences about waking up early and striving: 1. Life requires us to work hard. When we are young, we should strive to exercise our abilities, master knowledge, skills, and necessary social experience. 2. Who says in the face of opportuniti...

  • [英语文章] Good morning inspirational short sentence 日期:2024-04-03 16:07:20 点击:7 好评:2

    Good morning inspirational short sentence: 1) Some people like to watch the same movie, while others naturally dislike it. Some like to eat the same dish, while others dont. Some have listened to the same song countless times, and some dont...

  • [英语文章] A comprehensive collection of inspiring and philosophical se 日期:2024-04-03 16:06:09 点击:6 好评:2

    A comprehensive collection of inspiring and philosophical sentences: 1. Life is like a fallen leaf. Follow nature, be content with the situation, everything needs to be at any time, anywhere, casually, and more importantly, follow fate. Not...

  • [英语文章] A complete collection of insightful love philosophy sentence 日期:2024-04-03 16:03:02 点击:3 好评:0

    A complete collection of insightful love philosophy sentences: Love is not a flower blooming in the soil, but a fertilizer in the soil. People, once simple, are happy, but there are very few happy people; The complexity brings pain, but the...

  • [英语文章] A Time of Blossoming and Learning 日期:2023-09-01 09:35:59 点击:47 好评:2

    A Time of Blossoming and Learning Youth is a time of vibrant energy, intellectual growth, and self-discovery. Its a phase of life thats marked by transitions from adolescence to adulthood, a period of relentless exploration and pushing boun...

  • [英语文章] The Virtue of Perseverance 日期:2023-09-01 09:34:53 点击:40 好评:0

    The Power of Struggle: The Virtue of Perseverance Struggle is an integral part of human existence. From the moment we are born, we are thrust into a world where success is not easily attained. It is only through struggle that we come to und...

  • [英语文章] Understanding the Perils of Solitude 日期:2023-09-01 09:33:37 点击:39 好评:4

    The Lonely Plight: Understanding the Perils of Solitude Loneliness. Its a feeling that most of us have experienced, regardless of age, gender, or culture. The sense of being alone, even when surrounded by people, is a universal human emotio...

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路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 读书有三到,谓心到,眼到,口到。——朱熹