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  • [英语文章] If you want to climb the mountain, there will be a road 日期:2023-07-19 15:09:18 点击:8 好评:0

    If you want to climb the mountain, there will be a road The Return of the King Under the scorching sun, the crew was busy and busy. The director is sitting in a chair and leaning over his assistant to study the details of the next shoot. Su...

  • [英语文章] The cross stitch of life 日期:2023-07-19 15:08:42 点击:9 好评:0

    The cross stitch of life By Joan Rain Sea On May 3, 2013, a special dream client stepped on the stage of China Dream Show. Her name is Yang Pei, a young girl without arms. Her dream is to open a small cross-stitch shop. Open a shop? Cross-s...

  • [英语文章] Dreams that are held on to are the most valuable 日期:2023-07-19 15:07:46 点击:8 好评:0

    Dreams that are held on to are the most valuable By Hu Min When I said goodbye to my former company, the chairman of the company once said to me, Hu, when you leave the company, it is like going from the ninth floor (the company headquarter...

  • [英语文章] Find your sweet spot 日期:2023-07-19 15:06:22 点击:5 好评:0

    Find your sweet spot Text/Zhou Li During the Warring States Period, a man from the State of Lu was very good at weaving straw sandals, and his wife was very good at weaving white silk. However, because Lu is a small country, and there are m...

  • [英语文章] You can stand very well 日期:2023-07-19 15:05:37 点击:7 好评:0

    You can stand very well By Xia Linan Hey, hey, hey, look, here comes the cripple, here comes the cripple. A group of children came to see the lively, small Fengxi did not speak, just buried his head, while trying to climb on the ground, whi...

  • [英语文章] Strong is the eyes of youth 日期:2023-07-19 15:04:39 点击:4 好评:0

    Strong is the eyes of youth Text/field He has cerebral palsy and lives in a single parent home in Ireland. Except for his neck and head, all parts of his body are paralyzed. Not only that, he couldnt speak because the vocal nerve endings we...

  • [英语文章] To despise others is to despise oneself 日期:2023-07-19 15:04:02 点击:4 好评:2

    To despise others is to despise oneself An old couple in the United States, the woman wearing a faded cotton striped dress and her husband wearing a cheap cloth suit, went directly to visit the president of Harvard without a prior appointme...

  • [英语文章] Life progress, all in frustration 日期:2023-07-19 15:03:13 点击:4 好评:0

    Life progress, all in frustration By Zhou Lingfeng At that time, I had just started to work, there was no lack of passion, and the work was also beautiful, and the department manager Lao Qiu praised me, saying that I had the demeanor of his...

  • [英语文章] Suffering blooms 日期:2023-07-19 15:01:58 点击:4 好评:2

    Suffering blooms Text/Night Red With smoke-gray shorts and a lake-blue short sleeve, Zhang Baoyue, 26, looks crisp and clean. But what is hard to believe is that this young and sunny post-80s girl is the executive director of four coffee sh...

  • [英语文章] What you need, where are friends 日期:2023-07-19 14:45:26 点击:5 好评:0

    What you need, where are friends Wen/Fiona Today, someone left me a message saying, I dont have a friend, and I feel sad. Although I have many acquaintances, when I feel lonely and helpless, I realize that no one understands me. I need a fr...

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路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 读书有三到,谓心到,眼到,口到。——朱熹