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Understanding Time

时间:2023-05-09 15:17来源:关小兰 作者:关小兰 点击:
Understanding Time Guan Xiaolan Time gently lifted the curtain of time, and the dreamlike eyes of the elegant young man passed away their innocence, filling them with depth; Time slowly strokes the blade of time, erasing the immaturity from
Understanding Time
Guan Xiaolan
Time gently lifted the curtain of time, and the dreamlike eyes of the elegant young man passed away their innocence, filling them with depth; Time slowly strokes the blade of time, erasing the immaturity from the graceful girl's smooth forehead and pouring it into maturity.
Time flies, time flies. I have had the joy of success in my career, but I have also left behind the trauma of failure; I have experienced emotional twists and turns, and I have also endured the scorching sands of life. Time endows not all with poetry, not all with brilliance; It will make you regret in sighs and feel sad in confusion.
Time is like the most just judge, its scales are not biased towards everyone, and the gifts it bestows on everyone are the same!
In the face of time, one cannot linger in the joy of success for a long time, nor should one forget failure. In the face of time, there is no leisure to grieve over the loss of the Rose Dream, nor is there any need to grieve over the dusty dreams. The gentle breeze brushing my face, the gentle moonlight shining, the peaceful river water, the gentle singing and dancing, who wouldn't hope for such a life? But enduring the heavy pressure of mountains, enduring cold and cruel hardships, and obtaining the generous and heroic beauty after thrilling battles, is also a desire in life!
(From 'Fang Yuan')
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