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  • [英语文章] The Power of Struggle 日期:2024-04-10 08:39:54 点击:11 好评:0

    The Power of Struggle On the journey of life, we often face various challenges and difficulties. Sometimes, we may feel lost and helpless, not knowing how to move forward. However, it is during these difficult times that we need to exert th...

  • [英语文章] Strugglers in the Morning Light 日期:2024-04-10 08:37:14 点击:17 好评:0

    Strugglers in the Morning Light When the first ray of dawn passes through the gaps in the curtains and gently brushes your face, will you feel a call from nature? That is the inspiring voice of the morning, telling you that a new day has be...

  • [英语文章] Spring breeze, not as good as you 日期:2024-04-10 08:34:51 点击:18 好评:0

    The spring breeze is ten miles away, not as good as you Spring is a flowing painting, with all things reviving and full of vitality. In this prelude to the alternation of the four seasons, the spring breeze plays an important role, brushing...

  • [英语文章] Friendship, the warm melody of life 日期:2024-04-10 08:28:39 点击:18 好评:0

    Friendship, the warm melody of life In the long river of life, we are like a flat boat swaying in the turbulent ocean of reality. In this boundless sea, there is one thing that can become our lighthouse, guiding us towards a warm harbor, an...

  • [英语文章] A Journey through the Mongolian Plateau 日期:2024-04-07 10:37:13 点击:17 好评:0

    A Journey through the Mongolian Plateau The vast landscape of Inner Mongolia beckoned with its promise of untouched wilderness and a rich cultural tapestry woven from the threads of nomadic life. As an avid traveler with a penchant for natu...

  • [英语文章] A Visit to the Hanshan Temple in Suzhou 日期:2024-04-07 10:35:15 点击:13 好评:0

    A Visit to the Hanshan Temple in Suzhou The city of Suzhou, often referred to as the Venice of the East, is a picturesque wonderland of ancient canals, lush gardens, and serene temples. Nestled within this culturally rich landscape is the H...

  • [英语文章] The Renewal of Spring 日期:2024-04-07 10:25:42 点击:15 好评:0

    The Renewal of Spring As winters icy grip finally loosens, the world awakens to the soft whispers of spring. It is a season of renewal, where nature seems to come back to life after the long slumber of the colder months. Delicate buds break...

  • [英语文章] Expressing the beauty of life 日期:2024-04-03 16:13:35 点击:20 好评:0

    Expressing the beauty of life: When I was born, God must have closed his eyes and did not put gold in my hands, nor did he put a crown on my head. How foolish I used to be! 2. Each of us, even the most resolute and heroic individuals, spend...

  • [英语文章] A brief and philosophical statement 日期:2024-04-03 16:12:59 点击:14 好评:0

    A brief and philosophical statement: 1) Now go against the norm and dont start wearing purple at an old age 2) The most important sexual organ is the brain 3) Except for you, no one is controlling your happiness 4) Frame the so-called misfo...

  • [英语文章] Regarding very reasonable sentences 日期:2024-04-03 16:12:24 点击:12 好评:0

    Regarding very reasonable sentences: 1) When alone, one should also take good care of their own body and soul. Some roads dont matter where they lead, what matters is what kind of scenery you will see on the way. Heartbeats only last for a...

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路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 读书有三到,谓心到,眼到,口到。——朱熹