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Inspirational quotes about being a person

时间:2023-06-04 15:23来源:未知 作者:立暖 点击:
Inspirational quotes about being a person 1. Poor people live in the bustling city without anyone asking, while rich people have distant relatives in the deep mountains. 2. Realizing ideals - this is the task of the upcoming era. Not from a
Inspirational quotes about being a person
1. Poor people live in the bustling city without anyone asking, while rich people have distant relatives in the deep mountains.
2. Realizing ideals - this is the task of the upcoming era. Not from a bunch of subordinate life and blindness
3. Politeness may not always be a sign of wisdom, but impoliteness always leads to suspicion of foolishness—— Randall, British writer
4. You can gain the world with love, or you can lose the world with hate.
5. Meeting is like first meeting, but in old age there is no resentment.
6. A year's plan is in spring, a day's plan is in yin, a family's plan is in harmony, and a lifetime's plan is in diligence.
7. Greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth.
8. When we meet and return empty without drinking, the peach blossoms at the mouth of the cave also smile.
9. A tiny difference is a thousand miles lost.
10. Progress is the purpose; Ideal is the standard.
11. Without ideal encouragement, human activities will become empty and insignificant.
12. Tell yourself once a day, 'I'm really good'.
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