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Inspirational quotes to face with a smile in life

时间:2023-06-04 15:25来源:未知 作者:立暖 点击:
Inspirational quotes to face with a smile in life 1. If you see the people around you as demons, you live in hell; You see the people around you as angels, and you live in heaven. 2. Most people are not satisfied with what we have, just lik
Inspirational quotes to face with a smile in life
1. If you see the people around you as demons, you live in hell; You see the people around you as angels, and you live in heaven.
2. Most people are not satisfied with what we have, just like every horse thinks it carries the heaviest burden. Actually, we only have two paths: either live happily or die quickly.
3. Why do we live - for happiness, what kind of people are the most beautiful - confident people; So we are not only happy, but also confident.
4. There is always something missing in life, and what you get, you lose. The important thing is that you should know what you really want. Those who pursue two rabbits will inevitably achieve nothing.
5. A person has life and death, but as long as you live, you must live in the best way possible.
6. Life is a circle, and some people walk their entire lives without getting out of the circle drawn by fate. They just don't know that every point on the circle has a tangent line that takes off.
7. A quiet heart is the highest quality, it has no boundaries, it is complete, pure, and spotless. It is concentration, awareness, love, and the highest wisdom.
8. Happiness is like a flying butterfly, when you want to reach out and catch it, it flies away and can no longer be seen; When you temporarily let it go, it will stop on your shoulder.
9. Laugh, and the whole world laughs with you; You cry, you are the only one in the world crying.
10. Without reefs, there would be no beautiful waves; Without setbacks, there can be no magnificent life.
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