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Bacon's Inspirational Reading Quote

时间:2023-06-04 15:27来源:明阅网 作者:立暖 点击:
Bacons Inspirational Reading Quote 1. Great things should be cautious and proactive, small things should benefit from small pleasures, and not be overjoyed and forgotten. 2. When young people are in charge or management, they often take on
Bacon's Inspirational Reading Quote
1. Great things should be cautious and proactive, small things should benefit from small pleasures, and not be overjoyed and forgotten.
2. When young people are in charge or management, they often take on more than they can achieve and provoke more than they can tame; Fly to the destination in one go, without worrying about means or degree.
3. Reading makes a person profound, debate makes a person sharp, and writing makes a person refined.
4. If beauty is born into a person of noble character, it is certainly very glorious; People with bad behavior will feel ashamed and shy away from it in front of them.
5. Reading is not about arguing, nor blindly following, nor seeking information for conversation, but about weighing and contemplating.
6. Knowledge is a joy, while curiosity is the germ of knowledge.
7. The failure in practice mainly occurs without knowing the reason, and it is precisely in this situation that people's two aspirations: for knowledge and power truly come together.
8. To thrive on others' mistakes.
9. People with noble virtues have fewer opportunities to be envied as their virtues increase.
10. People from noble backgrounds are often not very hardworking, but they often harbor jealousy towards those who work.
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