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The latest inspirational work quotes and aphorisms

时间:2023-06-04 15:28来源:明阅网 作者:立暖 点击:
The latest inspirational work quotes and aphorisms 1. A trickle of water can eventually wear away a big stone, not because of its strength, but because of the constant dripping day and night. Only through diligent and unremitting efforts ca
The latest inspirational work quotes and aphorisms
1. A trickle of water can eventually wear away a big stone, not because of its strength, but because of the constant dripping day and night. Only through diligent and unremitting efforts can we acquire those skills, so we can accurately say: 'A small step may not lead to a thousand miles'—— Beethoven
2. The journey of life has a long and dark future. However, don't be afraid, there is a way in front of those who are not afraid—— Lu Xun
3. Every minute, every second, one becomes complacent, stopping the life they absorb and excrete. Only by accepting criticism can all the dross of the spirit be eliminated. Only absorb the opinions of others. I can add new spiritual nourishment Xu Teli
4. A pessimistic person may still live and die, but an optimistic person never grows old—— Byron
5. Mistakes and setbacks have taught us a lesson, making us smarter and managing our situation better. Any political party, any individual, mistakes are always inevitable, and we demand to make fewer mistakes. If you make a mistake, ask for correction. The faster and more thorough the correction, the better—— Mao Zedong
6. Don't view the past as lonely, because it will never turn back. We should find ways to improve the present, because that is you, fearlessly summoning the courage to move forward towards the future—— Longfellow
7. We love our nation, which is the source of our confidence—— Zhou Enlai
8. Human hope is like an eternal star, whose light cannot be concealed by dark clouds. Especially today, peace is not an ideal, a dream, it is the wish of thousands of people—— Ba Jin
9. Faith is a great emotion, a creative force—— Golgi
10. The so-called genius is simply using the coffee drinking time of others to work—— Lu Xun
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