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A complete collection of insightful love philosophy sentence

时间:2024-04-03 16:03来源:未知 作者:立暖 点击:
A complete collection of insightful love philosophy sentences: Love is not a flower blooming in the soil, but a fertilizer in the soil. People, once simple, are happy, but there are very few happy people; The complexity brings pain, but the
A complete collection of insightful love philosophy sentences:
Love is not a flower blooming in the soil, but a fertilizer in the soil. People, once simple, are happy, but there are very few happy people; The complexity brings pain, but the people in pain are bustling. The real problem reflected by this is that more people, it is not easy to live a simple life, but it is very simple to live a complex life.
2. Some people's love is more like a delusional disorder. I always feel that the other person will become better, and I always feel that this person is so good and good. But in reality, you are just living in fantasy, and all the advantages are what you imagine. Don't be foolish. Whether you are good or not depends not on imagination, but on living day by day. I am sad every day, but I don't love you. Being happy every day is loving you. So simple.
3. Love is always more abundant than lacking, and no one can replace you to love someone; Love and marriage are only responsible to oneself, and no one can be responsible for your love and marriage. So, the person who loves you, even if there are ten thousand reasons to let go, there is still one reason to persist; And no longer love, even if there are ten thousand reasons to persist, there is still one reason to let go!
In love, the last skill a man needs from a woman is to be obedient, sensible, and considerate, unless all he needs is a mistress. So, girls, no matter how Xianshu you are, you will not become a man's his mother. Just laugh and cry if you want. If he really loves you, he will definitely love everything about you. Falling in love is not about finding a biological father to show filial piety to, be careful not to spoil your man's illness.
5. If there is a next life, remember not to be too far away from me, because I'm afraid I won't have the chance to meet you. If you haven't found me in the next life, remember not to get along with others too early, believe that we will eventually meet. If we meet in the next life, remember to make you fall in love with me first, so that you can tolerate all my stubbornness.
Sometimes the person we love is not perfect, and we ourselves are not perfect. It is inevitable to have conflicts and arguments, but every time we think of his good deeds, our hearts soften. The person who can always be with you is not the most perfect person, but the one who can see your goodness the most and remember your goodness. The moment of sorrow is never better than the moment when one's heart dies. It's often not when you see him as bad, but when you know that you are worthless in his eyes.
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